Event Software
CollegeCentrals Event Management Software is an easy to use module that allows the user to manage events, venues, attendees, taking related payments for events and the issuing of receipts. The Events module includes an entry screen for the entry and lookup of events as well as a MailFax tab for correspondence and a general Notes and Activities tab.
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The Events module is focused on completely managing the organisation of an event in a specific location with the recording of attendees for that event. It is possible to have varying tarrifs within an event and also to impose a limit of attendees for a particular tarrif.
The Events Module is integrated both with the Contacts module as well as the Exams module allowing for the recording of a trainees exam results against a particular event.
The Events module also provides facilities to record online booking of event places as well as the ability to raise invoices and issue receipts to an attendees online account as well by post.

Entry screen for event details & dates

List view of events

MailFax screen for Correspondence

Entry Screen for Notes, Activities & Documents

Additional options available for Event management
For Currnent Event...
Create email
Create fax
Create letter